
May 2016

5 Popular Interior Design Styles And How To Get Them Just Right


If it is time for you to design a room in your home, your head is probably filled with different colors and patterns right now. There are so many to [...]

5 Popular Interior Design Styles And How To Get Them Just Right2020-06-12T14:43:45+00:00

April 2016

Bring BIG Style to Your Small Spaces


To achieve home design perfection, every corner of your house or apartment should scream you—it should tell your story and exude your taste. That includes even small corners of your home. [...]

Bring BIG Style to Your Small Spaces2020-06-12T15:01:21+00:00

Small Space Design – Clever Tips on Getting it Right!


Popping Color I am a fan of a white background to give the feeling of wide-openness which is necessary when designing small spaces. It sets up a calm palette as [...]

Small Space Design – Clever Tips on Getting it Right!2020-06-12T16:39:39+00:00

3 – Tips On Flower Décor – Honoring Earth Day


Flower Décor to Brighten a Room  Keep it Simple Flower décor can add life to any room décor simply by arranging a colorful bouquet of roses in your hand. Be [...]

3 – Tips On Flower Décor – Honoring Earth Day2020-06-12T17:30:45+00:00

January 2016

How to Design a Furniture Layout For a Large Living Room


Designing a furniture layout for a large room can be every bit as difficult as a small space. There are many things you will need to consider to get it [...]

How to Design a Furniture Layout For a Large Living Room2023-03-06T14:21:50+00:00

October 2015

August 2015

When Clutter Becomes a Problem, Identifying the Severity


Balance is important in life, so when any one aspect of your life gets unbalanced it's like a domino effect. My husband and I seriously balance each other out, him [...]

When Clutter Becomes a Problem, Identifying the Severity2020-07-12T16:43:37+00:00

July 2015

15 Beautiful Home Theater Design Ideas & The Technology To Make It Happen


Private home theaters are becoming more and more popular. You want comfort, appeal and high-quality sound and video components. If you want some inspiration for your home theater design ideas, [...]

15 Beautiful Home Theater Design Ideas & The Technology To Make It Happen2021-03-17T17:03:19+00:00

June 2015

Creative Ways to Do The Dreaded Family Picture


Taking family photos can be a daunting experience.  We plan the perfect outfits, sit down in a formal setting, put on our best smiles (which sometimes are actually our worst [...]

Creative Ways to Do The Dreaded Family Picture2020-07-13T14:59:13+00:00

The Collaboration of Legrand and Hubbardton Forge, Bringing Design Details That Matter!


I just love the collaboration of Legrand and Hubbardton Forge. Together the two companies have created a fantastic collection.

The Collaboration of Legrand and Hubbardton Forge, Bringing Design Details That Matter!2024-02-09T10:57:26+00:00

Dangers DIYers Need to Consider from Asbestos


Did you know over 3,000 manufactured products contain asbestos? Why is this important? Mesothelioma, a deadly cancer with a short survival rate that is linked to exposure of asbestos. If [...]

Dangers DIYers Need to Consider from Asbestos2020-07-13T16:20:55+00:00

March 2015

3 Reasons to Hire an Interior Design Professional For Your Project


Getting to create a feel good and functional space that my clients love to live in is one of the most rewarding aspects of my career. In this project, the clients were [...]

3 Reasons to Hire an Interior Design Professional For Your Project2024-02-15T11:52:20+00:00
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