April 2016

Bring BIG Style to Your Small Spaces


To achieve home design perfection, every corner of your house or apartment should scream you—it should tell your story and exude your taste. That includes even small corners of your home. [...]

Bring BIG Style to Your Small Spaces2020-06-12T15:01:21+00:00

November 2015

October 2015

Is a Memory Foam Mattress The Right Fit For You; Pros and Cons


Some people are huge fans of memory-foam mattresses while others aren’t so sure. One thing everyone has in common, however, is that they want to get a good night of sleep, [...]

Is a Memory Foam Mattress The Right Fit For You; Pros and Cons2020-07-08T15:40:59+00:00

June 2015

Why Go Organic with Your Mattress and Bed Linens?


Considering the amount of time that you spend in bed, the purchase of a good quality mattress should represent an investment that you take the time to research. After all, [...]

Why Go Organic with Your Mattress and Bed Linens?2020-07-13T15:18:46+00:00

The Collaboration of Legrand and Hubbardton Forge, Bringing Design Details That Matter!


I just love the collaboration of Legrand and Hubbardton Forge. Together the two companies have created a fantastic collection.

The Collaboration of Legrand and Hubbardton Forge, Bringing Design Details That Matter!2024-02-09T10:57:26+00:00

Dangers DIYers Need to Consider from Asbestos


Did you know over 3,000 manufactured products contain asbestos? Why is this important? Mesothelioma, a deadly cancer with a short survival rate that is linked to exposure of asbestos. If [...]

Dangers DIYers Need to Consider from Asbestos2020-07-13T16:20:55+00:00

Tips On Planning Your First Born’s Nursery


Design starts with inspiration and I always recommend to my clients researching publications such as Houzz or Pinterest to gather ideas of what you like or don't like before you [...]

Tips On Planning Your First Born’s Nursery2020-07-13T16:38:53+00:00

October 2014

September 2014

March 2014

November 2013

August 2013

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