If you have ever lived in a dorm room then you know it doesn’t afford you the same space or decorating canvas that your room at home may have. With so many fun decorating ideas available today this article will give you some ideas to help create a fun, warm and inviting dorm space for your child.

Start by lofting the beds together for more floor space. Once the beds are bunked together, if you have enough space, add a futon, sofa, or extra chairs. Sometimes finding a rug to properly fit a small space can be hard, but you can be creative by stitching several rugs together to make your own giant area rug. It will bring warmth to the room and floor.
The walls in dorms are usually dull and bland, and schools usually do not allow students to pain them. That shouldn’t stop you and your child from bringing color and personality to the dorm space. Hang bold, colorful art or framed postcards. You can also create a focal wall with your child using wallpaper. Simply tape or tack it up for less mess when time to take it down. Another way to dress up walls is with decals. They add an extra flair to boring dorm rooms, and you can remove them with no problem.
Dorm rooms usually come with two beds and two built-in desk areas. They don’t usually offer a lot of storage, but you can eliminate this problem with storage bins or your suitcases. Both can fit under the bed to hold extra linen, clothes, shoes and even non-perishable food items. Worried about someone seeing them? Well if you were wondering what to do with the bed skirt included in your comforter set, use it to hide those stored items.
Once your child starts utilizing their workspace it can easily get cluttered with books, papers, and who knows what else. Luckily you can help your child prevent that with a desk organizer. You can also hang a memo board up and post important things such as reminders, papers, inspirational words/quotes, and pictures.
Personalizing a dorm room with as many things from home will help your child transition, because the first few weeks to months are going to be an adjustment. It’s those personal keepsakes that will help when they’re homesick. It also helps because sharing a room at times can be a bit much. There will be times when your child will want a bit of privacy. This can be done using a floor-to-ceiling curtain divider.
There’s so much fun to be had in decorating a dorm room.
Written by: Jamacia Taylor, FizzNiche Staff Writer