
January 2021

May 2019

3 Money Saving Tips for Designing Your College Dorm Room


You’ve moved into your new college dorm room, and there's too much to fit in your room. Moreover, you don't know how to design your space for comfort and efficiency. [...]

3 Money Saving Tips for Designing Your College Dorm Room2020-01-22T17:37:15+00:00

July 2017

Dorm Room Living; 5 Tips for an Organized Dorm Room


Every year I create a post for dorm room living. I know this is the time of year when many young adults are heading off to college which is an [...]

Dorm Room Living; 5 Tips for an Organized Dorm Room2021-01-16T13:26:16+00:00

August 2016

Make Your Dorm Room Home Sweet Home


Going off to college for the first time brings a flood of emotions from excitement to homesickness. At first, there is the hustle and bustle of setting up your dorm room [...]

Make Your Dorm Room Home Sweet Home2021-03-02T19:56:20+00:00

July 2014

August 2013

March 2013

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