
About Karam Singh

I'm a full-time freelancer website developer. I have over 10+ years of experience. Spend 10-12 hours per day on website development.

May 2018

Interior Design Business; Creating an Effective Website


When it comes to effective website design, there is a lot more happening beneath the page than images and content. In order to make sure your site's visitors browse, learn, [...]

Interior Design Business; Creating an Effective Website2020-03-04T08:51:35+00:00

Affordable Bathroom Hacks: 5 Tips to Boost Your Budget


Is your bathroom lacking in character and in desperate need of a renovation? Luckily, there are affordable bathroom hacks you can use, regardless of the size of your budget! From [...]

Affordable Bathroom Hacks: 5 Tips to Boost Your Budget2020-03-17T21:41:56+00:00

December 2017

New Year Resolution; 3 Tips to Decluttering Your Home


Our lives are already so busy with our responsibilities of family, friends, homes, and work life, it's easy for our homes to get overloaded with stuff.  But, with some focused [...]

New Year Resolution; 3 Tips to Decluttering Your Home2020-03-21T19:46:37+00:00
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