One of the greatest joys in life is enjoying your beautiful yard while relaxing on an easy chair. You have put in hard work to bring your timber deck to life, and the last thing one would want is to worry about its replacement. This brings us to the question, “how long do you think your timber decking would last?”

How Long Will Your Timber Decking Last?

Timber Decking

Obviously, you know that your timber deck won’t last forever, but homeowners would often get concerned over the replacement timing. Honestly, the exact time frame is hard to determine since various factors would determine the lifespan of your timber deck.

From the type of wood used to the care and maintenance effort put into it, many factors would determine how long can you really enjoy your wooden deck.

We have gathered a list of pointers that will help you explain the lifespan of your wooden deck and how to elongate its age. Peruse the next section to get a better insight into your wooden deck. 

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of a Wooden Deck

The wooden decks have gained wide popularity in recent days from the various options. As mentioned earlier, various factors play a role in determining how long the wooden deck would last. 

We have already mentioned that the type of wood and its maintenance directly impact the lifespan of the wooden deck.

As per a highly esteemed London decking company, the frame of the wooden decking also directly impacts the lifespan of the deck. Good wood, a durable frame, and great care would ensure that your wooden deck lasts longer. 

Types of Wood Used in Timber Decks

Here are some of the types of woods used in wooden decks:

Cedar Wooden Decks

Cedar is one of the most durable wood forms and is perfect for decks. It keeps the least amount of moisture compared to other types of woods and hence can last long. 

However, cleaning the Cedarwood is painful since it is pretty susceptible to attracting dust and scratches. You must clean Cedarwood as often as possible. Also, you must keep your pets away from it so that they don’t spoil the beauty of decks by scratching them. 

Cedarwood is a little high maintenance, and you might have to perform hardware checks and replace the boards from time to time. However, if you maintain it properly, it can last for about 40 years.

Mahogany Wooden Decks 

Another premium wood quality is Mahogany which has great allure because of its color. It is resistant to scratches, so you can allow your pets to play around freely. Compared to Cedarwood, Mahogany requires less maintenance. Mahogany wood decks last for three to four decades, if properly cared for. 

Pressure-Treated Wooden Decks

Properly maintained pressure-treated wooden decks can last for over five decades. The manufacturers force the preservatives into the grain of pressure-treated woods to make it last longer. It does not rot easily, and since it’s treated properly, it offers significant resistance to insects. 

One of the prime disadvantages of pressure-treated wooden decks is that it changes shape or wrap as it dries. 


Location is the other factor determining how long your timber decking will last. If your deck is hit constantly with direct sunlight, it would spoil the boards and fry the sealers. Similarly, if your deck is constantly in shades, monsoons will be hard on your deck since they would take forever to dry. 

Therefore, placing the timber decking should be such that varying amounts of shade are available throughout the day.

The Quality of Lumber

Cheap is expensive–and this is true even when considering the lumber for your deck. If you are not willing to shed good money, you cannot expect to get good long-lasting lumber. Various grades of lumber are available, and the type you choose would determine the lifespan of your wooden deck. Ideally, the knots, cuppings, and twisting are signs of lower quality lumber, and they won’t last long.

Distance From Ground

There is simple logic in the relation between the lifespan of a wooden deck and its distance from the ground. The higher the distance, the higher its life would be. If your wooden deck sits close to the ground, you cannot expect it to last long. 

The moisture from the ground would rot the wood over time and shorten its life. Also, less distance from the ground will leave it less breathing space or ventilation. It means that it would take a lot longer to dry after rains. 


Brushing the deck with a stiff brush regularly will help maintain it free of debris, moss, and filth. This is especially true in shaded regions where leaves and debris accumulate and absorb moisture. 

Plant pots should be raised off the ground with little ‘feet’ to allow adequate drainage. It’s also a good idea to change their location now and again. At least once a year, assess and inspect your timber deck for any signs of degradation or damage. This will ensure that any minor issues are addressed before they become major ones.


If you invest in top-quality coating materials, your wooden deck will thank you for it by staying durable for long. The best quality coatings offer resistance to water and are mostly oil or wax-based. This added protection to the deck that keeps the damaging elements at bay. 

Final Thoughts

Homeowners put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of money to get the desired wooden deck. The decks are mostly in the open area, where it doesn’t have a roof for protection against various elements that can cause damage. It would be heartbreaking to see all this time and money go into the drain.

Using the right wood, timber, placement, and maintaining it properly are the key to your wooden deck’s long life. Use the erudite details in this write-up to build or maintain your wooden deck to last really long!


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About the Author: McKenna Tucker