Being a homeowner is a privilege. While renters are receiving no benefit from their monthly payments other than having a place to live, homeowners are slowly building equity over time that turns those mortgage payments into investments in the future. While having a place to live is wonderful, and building equity can provide long-term benefits, one of the most exciting aspects of homeownership is the ability to do some remodeling. You can make whatever upgrades you would like to your home to make it more functional and comfortable for you and your family. 

Since the exterior of the home is the first thing that people notice about your property, as well as the main component in attracting future buyers to your house when you want to sell, making upgrades to the outside can positively impact your living experience.

5 Ideas For Remodeling Your Home’s Exterior

exterior home improvement

Here are a few ideas for remodeling your home’s exterior to be more aesthetically pleasing and functional. 

Convert a Storage Container

Old storage containers are quickly becoming popular building materials for creative homeowners and DIYers. These ready-made containers have the space to be turned into various functional rooms, and they are often designed with sturdy materials made to last. Finding creative uses for storage containers in your backyard can add additional indoor space to your property without changing the main house structure. You could turn a container into a home office, a personal gym, a storage shed for lawn tools, an art studio, or a playroom. 

Minor Landscape Improvements

Your landscaping says a lot about you as a homeowner. If neglected, it could indicate an unwillingness to maintain an aesthetically pleasing exterior. Taking care of it with minor cosmetic landscaping changes, on the other hand, will show your neighbors that you want the community to look beautiful.

Simple projects like adding grass seed to bare patches, placing mulch around tree bases, and keeping up with edge trimming/weeding can completely transform your yard into a curb appeal wonder without spending thousands of dollars on maintenance or new features. 

Updated Siding

Older homes in Kansas City often suffer from wear and tear, especially when building materials are outdated. Sometimes, a simple cosmetic and functional update is needed to present the best image to passersby. A Kansas City siding company can upgrade your deteriorating or outdated siding so that the building is more efficient with lower utility costs. Plus, it can turn your home from an eyesore into a property that resembles a new construction.

There are plenty of siding styles, colors, and materials to choose from, so be sure to research what makes the most sense for your personal preferences and functional needs. As a bonus, new siding can raise the property value for future sales. 

Better Lighting

When the sun goes down, lighting can become an issue for the exterior of the home. Insufficient lighting can make your home look dark and unwelcoming. Additionally, old light fixtures may provide little aesthetic value while also draining more energy to stay on all night.

Using light sources to your advantage may require some creativity. Solar lights along the main entryway can make it easier for people to see where they are walking while highlighting the entrance. String lights can be a nice touch along the porch or hanging above a pathway that runs along the house. Uplighting can bring trees, shrubbery, or exterior features to life. 

Design an Outdoor Living Space

We already discussed the idea of increasing the home’s square footage by adding a storage container. It can also be accomplished with an outdoor living space like a deck or patio.

These spaces are perfect for avid hosts or families with children. Extra features like outdoor furniture, fire pits, brick ovens, outdoor kitchens, and rugs can turn this outdoor space into an extension of the interior home. Always check local Kansas City building codes when adding a new feature like a deck or patio for an outdoor living space.

Home Improvement is Vastly Satisfying

As a homeowner, there are few better feelings than completing a great improvement project.

Whether you pursue the DIY route or hire contractors to do the job professionally, making changes to your home can be very satisfying. The benefits are numerous, from the aesthetic transformation to the rise in property value. 

If none of the ideas above are striking a cord, consider browsing social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest for ideas. People love to share their design ideas and home improvement projects with others, and you can often find how-tos for almost any home project online.

Cast a vision for your home’s exterior, create a budget and an action plan, and watch your home be completely transformed. 

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About the Author: Patricia Davis Brown

Patricia, like her blog, is not a one-dimensional designer, which is evident in her accolades of 17 national design awards. Over a 38-year career in the industry, she has carved a niche in several areas of design. Licensed in interior design and certified in kitchen and bath design, she offers a full menu of design services ranging from whole house interior design, kitchen and bath design, lighting design, full remodels, commercial design and universal (ADA) design. Patricia is a sought-after speaker in the industry and has been published in many publications as seen on her interior design firm’s website, She writes for such publications as QuinStreetinc, Relaxed Remodeler, and talent offering design tips.