Every home experiences drain problems and that’s when everyone looks for solutions. But, it is better to know ahead of time when a problem occurs instead of after the fact. To that end, today, we bring you useful information about how to detect drain problems in your home along with solutions.

A properly functioning drainage system is a crucial part of your home’s plumbing. However, if you get drain problems in your home, contact your local plumber in North London for a quick, professional diagnosis and remedy. If this interests you, we invite you to keep reading to learn about five common drain problems and their solutions. 

Your Guide to Common Drain Problems Plus Interesting Solutions

5 Common Drain Problems and Solutions in Your Home

1.   Slow drains.

A slow-moving or clogged drain might appear like a minimal issue but can potentially escalate to a bigger, more serious issue, especially if ignored. 

Slow drains indicate various issues, such as the early stages of clogging, improper drainage system grading, or narrowed pipes due to grease or mineral buildup. Your first instinct as a DIY homeowner is to use a plunger or a drain cleaner to help clear any obstructions in the drainage system. 

Contact a professional plumber in North London to help you determine the source of the slow drain.

2.   Foul odors.

Persistent foul odors coming from your drainage system can be a sign of major damage. It could be that pollutants have built up in your drain, resulting in a foul odor filling your home. A local plumber in Essex can give you an expert assessment of the actual problem. 

Common solutions to foul odors include cleaning your drain. In addition, you may also have to replace broken sewer pipes to maintain normal drainage and eliminate the issue permanently. Most importantly, call an expert plumber who can give you a more detailed assessment and solution.

3.   Sewage backup (water flooding).

A sewage backup is a terrible problem associated with clogged drains. Look out for any sign of water flooding, especially near a floor drain or in the basement. Such a scenario could indicate a clog, leading to the drainage system not working completely. You could then end up with contaminated water all over your house.

Professional Essex local plumbers have tools to remove standing water and fix any underlying conditions that cause water flooding. 

4.   Overflowing gutters and downspouts.

Gutters help deters runoff water from your home’s foundation. Essentially, they play a part in your building’s structural integrity. However, a clogged or misplaced gutter cannot do its job as expected. 

If you notice rainwater pooling around the downspouts or flowing over the side of the gutters, this could be a plumbing problem. The best solution is to have a plumber clean the gutters thoroughly for proper flow. 

For downspouts, install corrugated pipes that run underneath the soil and directs the water away. It also shifts the water that is oversaturating the soil. 

5.   Multiple clogged drains.

If more than one plumbing fixture clogs simultaneously, chances are you have a clog somewhere in your central drainage system. In such a case, a plunger or chemical drain cleaner might not be effective. Contact an expert plumber for blocked drains in North London for more effective solutions.

In conclusion.

Fixing your drain problems in their early stages helps you avoid expensive repairs in the future. It is essential to have basic plumbing knowledge that you can apply to solve easy drain problems. Contact a professional plumber in North London for expert analysis, assessment, and inspection of your drainage system. 

Images Courtesy of Canva.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards