Have you ever walked down the street and stopped to take a closer look at a cool storefront display? It’s this kind of interaction that we all want for our shops, but it’s not always easy to achieve.

Think of your storefront as an extension of your shop’s branding. You want it to be as exciting as the rest of your business so that potential customers are enticed to walk inside.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your store display, then keep reading. We’ve collected some of the best design tips to give your display the boost it needs to impress your customers!

8 Tips for a Great Storefront Display

How To Create an Attractive Storefront Display

① Put Forth Your Shop’s Ideals

At the core of every design is the ideal of your store. How do you want customers to feel when they see your business? What kind of story do you want to tell?

It’s good to know what you intend to say with your display before you put anything together. This gives your design a cohesive feeling that always works to connect with your customers rather than confuse them.

For example, a health store wouldn’t want to have a display showing off all the latest junk foods!

② Play with Color and Shapes

Colors and shapes are things that catch the eye as people pass your store. Much like a kid at a candy store, adults want to look at things that spark interest and joy.

That’s why all retail display designs shouldn’t be afraid of adding a little bit of playfulness into their design choices. Bright colors and unique shapes are sure to gain some attention, but always make sure to find a sense of balance. A display full of too many colors starts to look garish after a certain point.

Not all color schemes need to be bright to gain traction. Neutrals and pastels are also great choices. Play around and see what suits your store best. 

③ Keep the Display Clean

When you attract a customer’s attention, you don’t want them to be put off by the dirt and mud staining your design elements. This is the kind of interaction that stays with a customer for a long time, and they’ll be less inclined to look at your store in the future.

Give your shop display a thorough cleaning every day before you open up for business. This ensures that it’s always looking its best at all hours of the day!

④ Choose a Focal Point

Selecting a design element as your focal point is a great way to create a cohesive business storefront. All other parts of the design need to amplify and accent this focal point to give a sense of balance.

The centerpiece must have something about it that makes it stand out above the rest. It can be more colorful, more intricate, or placed differently than the other pieces of the display.

Give your focal point a cool backdrop by tinting your store windows. This article is the perfect place to learn more about the benefits of that process and which tints are available to enhance your display.

The focal point can be anything at all, whether it’s a sign, a beautiful plant, or even one of your products. This focal point is the star of your display so make sure it’s something worth looking at!

⑤ Use a Witty Sign

Signs are a visual way to send a message to any potential customer walking past your store. It’s also the quickest way to show off the personality of your brand.

We’ve all seen photos of a witty sign that’s caught the public’s eye and gone viral. Make your sign as memorable by coming up with a cool slogan or art element that captures people’s attention. Even a small amount of extra effort can turn a boring sign into something spectacular.

Don’t forget to add vital information to your sign as well. The cool design is a great way to entice customers, but they still want to easily find information about your opening hours.

⑥ Create a Lasting Design

An outdoor storefront display needs to last throughout all kinds of different weather. You don’t want to put a lot of effort into making a great design only to have it ruined the next time it rains.

When choosing the items that’ll make up your display, only choose things that’ll withstand being outside for hours on end. When dealing with a big storm, bring the display inside until the bad weather subsides. Even the most sturdy displays can’t withstand against the damage of strong winds and harsh weather.

⑦ Bring in an Element of Interaction

A display can be more than a visual element to your storefront. Turn it into the first interaction your customers have with your store and your brand.

By interacting with your display, customers are already engaged in the store and will be more interested in seeing more.

For example, free samples give customers a taste of what your store offers and they’ll want to try more of your product. They’ve already stopped to try the sample, so why wouldn’t they take an extra few minutes to browse the store?

⑧ Light up the Display

If your store stays open well into the evening, good lighting is essential for your display. Not only do lights keep your display visible for potential nightly customers, but they also give an extra sense of safety. No store owner wants people tripping over their display once the sun goes down.

Plus, lights are another way to add interest to your display. The lights you choose accentuate and enhance the existing design and turn it into something even more captivating.

A Good Storefront Display Makes a Huge Difference in Your Shop’s Branding

When you start designing your next storefront display, use these tips to help enhance its overall look. These are tried-and-true design choices that aim to entice and draw in new customers as they walk by on the street.

Don’t settle for less when you can make your storefront design the best!

Looking for even more design inspiration? Then, look below for links that take you to more fantastic articles about all things design.

Images Courtesy of Canva.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards