There is no time more important for the well-being of all citizens of the earth than to celebrate their respective traditions during the winter season. After all, traditions are what bind families and groups together in harmony and peace. But this is a not-so-average holiday season with the worldwide pandemic happening.

Even though traditions don’t always take into account the chaos of the world, maybe that’s why they are so important. They ground us and it’s the one time of year that families are most likely to gather together, even if for only one or two special days.

But, this not-so-average holiday season, every family must do what they can to stay safe during the holidays. So, here are some guidelines that we hope you find useful.

A Not-So-Average Holiday Season … Need Help?

14 Tips for a Not-So-Average Holiday Season

Guidelines for Traveling

If you decide to travel, prepare in advance by taking the following tactics into consideration.

1. Boost your immune system before and during travel with healthy eating and drinking plenty of water. If you take supplements, now is a good time to increase your intake.

2. Get a flu shot before traveling.

3. Get a Covid-19 test before traveling.

4. Limit your interactions on the road.

5. Fly wisely by bringing extra face masks and sanitizing wipes. Also, shop for an airline that leaves the center seats empty.

Managing Your Gatherings

Lots of families are getting really creative with their gatherings. Here are some of the tips we think you might find useful.

6. Adjust your traditional menus for smaller groups.

7. Use grocery delivery services and plan in advance.

8. Keep it “cleaner than EVER”.

9. Do not serve buffets.

10. Consider a virtual gathering to include the elderly and those who are far away. (This tactic might remain after the pandemic!)

11. Prepare “go-boxes” for those who cannot attend.

12. If you have a covered patio or deck – take your dinner outside to reduce the spread of the virus. You can provide a tent, heat lamps, and blankets if necessary!

13. Communicate to your guests in advance about the guidelines you want them to follow in your home. If you send out invitations, that’s a great place to start.

14. Prioritize your own emotional well-being during this season to keep your immune system in its best working order.

14 Tips for a Not-So-Average Holiday Season

How are you preparing for your not-so-average holiday season? Please let us know in the comments below! Below, you will find links to take you to more interesting posts about ALL things DESIGN.

Images Courtesy of Canva.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards