Many people are turning to natural hair dye as an alternative to harsh chemicals to deal with the change in their hair color as they age. Graying happens, and while it’s a natural process it does tend to make you feel older.

The great thing is that just as hair loss in women can be managed with low-level laser therapy treatments, women also treat graying hair with the application of hair dyes.

The most common hair dyes such as those from your local drug store, aren’t as beneficial as you might think. The chemicals they contain cause serious damage to your scalp and overall health.

However, there are natural hair dye alternatives that can be used to efficiently color your hair and avoid the risks. 

Natural Hair Dye Alternatives for Healthier Hair

Natural Hair Dye Alternatives for Healthier Hair

The Dangers of Chemically Laced Hair Dyes

While incredibly popular in both homes and salons across the world, some hair-dying products contain toxins that might seriously harm your health. From suppressed immune systems and allergic reactions to possible ties to cancer, hair dyes often rely on chemicals that are better avoided where possible.

These products may be effective, but the way they work so efficiently is by using dangerous chemicals that force the hair shaft open to absorb the dyes. Some chemicals you may find included  in an over-the-counter treatment include the following:

⎆ Formaldehyde

Often used for embalming, formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancers of the blood and lymphatic system.

⎆ Ammonia

A corrosive substance which causes serious damage to the skin, lungs, and eyes, is still in some hair dyes even though it’s notably dangerous.

⎆ Parabens

An endocrine disruptor linked to breast cancer and diseases related to hormone instability, some companies continue to use this chemical in their hair care products.

Beyond affecting your scalp, these products also enter your eyes, mouth, and lungs. A dye continuously releases toxic vapors the entire time it’s applied to your scalp, which easily enters your bloodstream.

The harshness of some particular dyes also leads to other issues. Any woman hoping to reverse a bad dye job of her hair might see it falling out as she attempts to fix the first issue. But what’s the alternative? How can you dye your hair without worrying about affecting your health? Certain natural hair dye alternatives can do just that.

Natural, Safe Alternatives

Natural hair dyes are a great alternative to the toxic options available in most drug stores and supermarkets. Here are five treatments to consider for changing the color of your hair.

⎆ Henna

Henna is a non-toxic and natural product that is semi-permanent. While it might not be as long-lasting as the toxic stuff, thus requiring more regular applications, it’s a safe alternative that’s perfect for anyone looking to add some darker pigment to their hair.

Colors like reds tend to work best with henna. Henna can be mixed with other plant dyes to increase the complexity of the color, while also helping the final product to look less “red.” While a bit messy, henna products work wonderfully for coloring hair that’s lighter or gray.

⎆ Hairprint®

A hair re-pigmentation product that features no chemicals, toxins, or irritants: Is that possible? It is! Hairprint can return your hair to its natural color without any harmful additives. With this product, natural color is restored with protein-based melanin pigments that enter into opened hair shafts.

Natural hair colors that currently work best with Hairprint are those that are darker such as various shades of brown and black. However, treatment takes a little longer than with most over-the-counter hair color products as it requires a full 75 minutes. But, the results are more than worth it.

⎆ Coffee

While coffee might just be a part of your morning routine, you can consider incorporating it into your hair care as a natural dying agent. Beyond its stimulant qualities, the deep hues of cooled, brewed coffee can be used to darken your hair.

To make the most of the process, you combine a half cup of coffee with a leave-in conditioner. After applying it to clean, damp hair, you should let it sit for about an hour. To take the process to another level, consider adding some ground coffee to the mixture. Also, try using coarsely ground so it washes out easier. 

⎆ Carrot Juice

Looking to give your hair an orange tint? Carrot juice can do the trick! Similar to the coffee mixture, you can mix it into a leave-in conditioner. You can even pair it with an oil, such as coconut or olive oil, to help it adhere better to the shafts of your hair. An apple cider vinegar rinse of your hair will help remove any leftover juice and oil, as well as provide your hair with a natural sheen.

The Best Approach: Get Your Hair Done Professionally!

These solutions and alternatives to dangerous hair chemicals are good for personal use and experimentation. However, coloring your hair with henna, coffee, carrot juice, and other natural dyeing agents, isn’t always the best approach. 

Oftentimes, these natural hair dyes only offer temporary results. If the instructions aren’t followed properly, there’s also a higher risk of damaging your hair. For instance, lemon juice is an organic pigment-stripping substance that can give you sun-kissed highlights. But, if your hair is exposed to sunlight for too long, the substance can burn and cause permanent damage.

The best way to color your hair safely with hair-friendly products is to get it done professionally. Many hair salons offer vegan and natural options with hair coloring products made from plant-based ingredients. 

Other Tips To Having The Best Hair Color Experience

Dyeing your hair is an excellent way to spice up your style. More importantly, it’s a fun experience! Whether it’s your first or fifth time getting a new hair color, seek the best salon experience from hair professionals. If you don’t know any hair salons yet, you can ask for recommendations from your family and friends who often get salon services. 

When picking a salon, make sure to check the place out before booking an appointment or browse their store photos online. Aside from salon expertise, it’s also important to find a salon with a comfortable and accommodating environment. The right salon should have high-quality salon furniture, customer-friendly amenities, approachable staff, and clean equipment and environment.

Try Some Natural Alternatives

If hair dye products cause you to have allergic reactions or hair loss, consider reaching for a more natural solution. Your hair, and your overall health, will thank you!

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards