Social media has become an integral part of business marketing and communication strategies. It offers a platform to connect with customers, promote products or services, and build brand awareness. However, navigating the social media landscape isn’t always smooth sailing, especially when it comes to political discussions and trolls. In this post, we’ll explore the challenges of dealing with political trolls on social media and provide tips on how businesses can avoid falling into this online quagmire.

How to Avoid the Political Trolls on Social Media

Avoiding the Social Media Troll1

Stay Neutral

One of the most effective ways to avoid political trolls is to maintain a neutral stance on political issues. Your business’s primary purpose on social media is to promote your products or services, not to engage in political debates. By refraining from taking sides or sharing politically charged content, you can minimize the likelihood of attracting trolls who thrive on divisive topics.

Define Your Social Media Policies

Establish clear guidelines for your social media channels. These guidelines should include rules on what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. Make it explicit that personal attacks, hate speech, or offensive comments will not be tolerated. Having a well-defined social media policy in place can deter trolls from targeting your business.

Monitor and Moderate

Regularly monitor your social media channels for any signs of political trolling. Implementing proactive moderation can help you quickly identify and address any inappropriate comments or discussions. Consider using automated tools and setting up keyword filters to catch potentially offensive content before it gains traction.

Don’t Engage

Engaging with political trolls can be counterproductive. Trolls often thrive on attention, and responding to their inflammatory comments may only encourage them to continue. Instead, ignore or delete their comments if they violate your social media policy. Responding professionally and courteously to genuine concerns or criticism is essential, but don’t get dragged into political debates.

Disable Comments on Sensitive Posts

If your business decides to share content related to social or political issues, consider disabling comments on those specific posts. This can help prevent trolls from hijacking the discussion and turning it into a battleground.

Focus on Positive Content

Shift your social media strategy towards creating and sharing positive, relevant, and engaging content. This can divert attention away from political discussions and attract a more constructive and supportive audience.

Educate Your Team

Ensure that your social media team is well-trained in dealing with political trolling. They should understand your company’s social media policies and know how to respond appropriately to various situations. Having a clear protocol for handling trolling incidents can be invaluable.

Block and Report

When necessary, don’t hesitate to block and report persistent political trolls. Social media platforms have tools in place to help you manage and protect your online space. Use these features to maintain a positive environment for your followers.

The Impact of Political Trolls on Businesses

Political trolls on social media can have a significant impact on businesses if not managed effectively. Here are some of the ways in which these trolls can harm your brand and reputation:

  • Damage to Brand Image: When trolls target your social media channels with inflammatory or offensive comments, it can tarnish your brand’s image. Customers may associate your business with negativity, which can be detrimental to your reputation.
  • Loss of Followers: Political trolling can drive away genuine followers who don’t want to be part of a toxic online environment. Losing followers can impact your reach and engagement on social media.
  • Wasted Resources: Dealing with trolls can be time-consuming and emotionally draining for your social media team. This diversion of resources can take away from more productive activities, such as creating engaging content or responding to customer inquiries.
  • Negative Publicity: If the trolling incidents escalate and gain attention, they can lead to negative publicity for your business. News outlets and social media users may pick up the story, further damaging your reputation.
  • Legal Issues: In some cases, political trolls may cross the line into harassment or defamation. This can lead to legal issues that could harm your business both financially and in terms of reputation.

Managing Strategy

Given these potential consequences, it’s crucial for businesses to have a strategy in place to effectively handle political trolls on social media.

  • Develop a Crisis Response Plan: Prepare a crisis response plan that outlines how your business will handle severe trolling incidents that could escalate into a crisis. This plan should include steps for escalating issues to senior management, engaging with legal counsel if necessary, and communicating with the public if the situation becomes widespread.
  • Train Your Social Media Team: Ensure that your social media team is well-trained not only in dealing with trolls but also in understanding the potential legal and PR implications of their actions. Empower them to make informed decisions when handling difficult situations.
  • Engage Positively with Customers: While it’s essential not to engage with trolls, it’s equally crucial to engage positively with your genuine customers. Respond promptly and professionally to customer inquiries and feedback. Show that you prioritize their concerns over troll comments.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest social media trends and changes in platform policies. Platforms often introduce new features or tools to help businesses manage trolling and harassment.
  • Seek Legal Advice When Necessary: If you believe that a troll’s actions have crossed legal boundaries, consult with legal counsel to assess your options. It may be necessary to take legal action to protect your business’s interests.
  • Focus on Your Core Message: Continue to focus on your core message and branding. By consistently delivering valuable content and maintaining a positive online presence, you can mitigate the impact of trolling incidents.


Political trolling on social media is an unfortunate reality that businesses may encounter. However, with the right strategies in place, you can minimize its impact on your brand and reputation. By staying neutral, defining clear social media policies, monitoring and moderating content, and focusing on positive engagement, your business can create a more troll-resistant online environment. Additionally, having a well-prepared crisis response plan and seeking legal advice when necessary can help you navigate challenging situations. Remember, the key is to prioritize your brand’s image and the well-being of your audience while avoiding unnecessary confrontations in the political arena.

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About the Author: Patricia Davis Brown

Patricia, like her blog, is not a one-dimensional designer, which is evident in her accolades of 17 national design awards. Over a 38-year career in the industry, she has carved a niche in several areas of design. Licensed in interior design and certified in kitchen and bath design, she offers a full menu of design services ranging from whole house interior design, kitchen and bath design, lighting design, full remodels, commercial design and universal (ADA) design. Patricia is a sought-after speaker in the industry and has been published in many publications as seen on her interior design firm’s website, She writes for such publications as QuinStreetinc, Relaxed Remodeler, and talent offering design tips.