I love big cities like New York and Chicago but, what I don’t like is ugly parking garages and think that green parking designs should be incorporated in urban planning. In every city, parking is at a premium due to the lack of parking spaces and the need for a multi-story parking garage is necessary. I understand that big garages are a must but I believe it is important to not make them a giant concrete structure that does nothing for the environment. Promoting more green parking designs would make our cities more beautiful and be a better way to add to our air quality.
Green Parking Designs
A parking garage on the campus of Edwards Life Sciences in Irvine, California, has the biggest hydroponic green wall in the United States and is one of the best examples of green parking designs.
Salvaverde is an interlocking modular system that meshes with lawns and creates strength for parking and walking on on its grass surface. I like that it looks like landscaping and not pavement.
Green Designs That Take It Underground
Cardok Mono is a good solution to urban parking, it takes it underground so you can create beautiful green parking design above ground. This gives multi-functionality to each space and is a smart design.
Denmark is a leader in safeguarding the natural environment. This parking lot located at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby is a great example of that. If cities would rethink how the typical parking lots are designed and redefine the white lines and concrete into green natural material it would be more in sync with nature.
Now I know we need ample parking in our cities and government buildings but, it is important that we create ones that are as green as possible and maintained to stay that way. So many times I see older parking lots that seemed to have been built and then forgotten, left to decay and become an eye soar. There are companies, such as Line Making Melbourne, that specialize in creating fresh lines and maintaining parking lots.
Defining Our World In Greenery
I thought this was a fantastic way to change the look of parking lots to a more natural concept. Korean designer Ji-Hye Koo created an idea to cover the painted lines with nature on a tape concept.
Images Courtesy of Canva.
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