Do you know that a sustainable kitchen renovation adds more value to your home? Moreover, this is the room that homeowners are willing to spend the most from their renovation budgets. According to a 2019 survey done by Houzz & Home in the UK, homeowners spent an average of up to £10,000 ($12,890) on kitchen renovations.

It’s no secret that a kitchen upgrade is at the top of the list for home improvements that increase the value of your property by the thousands. Because the kitchen is also one of the busiest rooms in the home (next to the bathroom) sprucing it up occasionally is a wise choice.

But you don’t need a big budget to redesign the kitchen because if you plan your budget well and also consult with renovation companies that are proficient at their job, you will quickly be on your way towards a successful sustainable kitchen renovation project.

If you’re not sure where to start with designing a sustainable kitchen, keep reading for some excellent suggestions.

3 Ways to Design a Sustainable Kitchen

Replace Cupboards with Recycled Materials

Eco-friendly Sustainable Kitchen

Replacing cupboards quickly gets expensive. However, for a sustainable alternative consider using recycled materials wherever possible. It might cut down on the overall cost of the renovation and it is much better for the environment and your family.

Some of the better-known recycled materials are:

  • Paper Stone which is a combination of recycled paper and petroleum-free resin
  • Reclaimed wood from torn down houses and businesses
  • Reclaimed slate and porcelain tiles
  • Recycled glass
  • Recycled plastic

Look for a local architectural salvage store and go spend an afternoon browsing for the most amazing recycled materials for your renovation.

Purchase Eco-Friendly Paints & Materials

Use non-toxic materials

A fresh paint job gives your kitchen a whole new lease on life. That’s why painting is one of the easiest and affordable home renovation projects. But for your well-being, maybe it’s time to think about switching up to a non-toxic paint.

Eco-friendly paints are made from natural organic ingredients. They have minimal to no synthetic ingredients and are breathable and non-toxic. This makes them safer for your health and less damaging to the environment. Natural paints also dry faster and have less odor.

If you decide to add painting to your renovation plans, keep the following in mind:

  • Not all ‘natural’ paints contain all-natural ingredients. Some have small amounts of synthetic materials.
  • The price range of eco-friendly paints will depend on the manufacturer, not the ingredients. So, it’s best to consult an expert before buying.
  • Your kitchen still needs to be well-ventilated when painting.

Add Energy Efficient LED Lighting

Sustainable Kitchen with LED Lighting

Switching to LED lighting has an immediate impact on your power bill. While kitchen appliances add to the increase in the consumption of electricity in the home, lighting runs a close second.

By replacing your halogen bulbs with LED, you can save you up to 80% energy consumption which lasts 25 times longer. But don’t replace them all at once. Instead, change them one at a time to test a brand’s quality and efficiency. Then you’ll know what to get for the rest of the house.

Also, use these tips to guide you in choosing the right LED lighting for your kitchen:

  • Make sure it’s bright enough to see your kitchen well.
  • But, steer clear from harsh LED lights that can give you a headache.
  • Try to match your LED lights with the mood you want to create for your kitchen.

Lighting adds to the aesthetics of the kitchen. So, don’t just shop for the sake of the environment. Also, design it to be useful and beautiful!

It’s clear that you don’t need a lot of money to implement a sustainable kitchen in your home. Rather, simply adopt an eco-friendly plan for a beautiful renovation that brings long years of enjoyment to you, your family, and friends.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards