At 62, like many of my friends, their fathers have passed and Father’s Day has a new title, Father’s Day Remembrance Day.

Father’s Day is a time to honor and celebrate the incredible influence our fathers have had on our lives. For those whose fathers are no longer with us, this day can be bittersweet. However, it also offers a beautiful opportunity for Father’s Day remembrance, allowing us to reflect on cherished memories and celebrate the legacy our fathers left behind.

Here are eight impactful ways to celebrate your dad’s memory this Father’s Day.

8 Father’s Day Remembrance Celebration Ideas

Father's Day Remembrance 1

My Father-in-Law, Richard Brown

Create a Memory Scrapbook

One of the most heartfelt ways to honor your father’s memory is by creating a scrapbook filled with photos, letters, and mementos that remind you of him. This personal project can be a therapeutic way to reminisce and feel connected to your dad. Invite family members to contribute their own memories and stories, making it a collective remembrance that you can revisit each year.

Cook His Favorite Meal

Food has a unique way of bringing back memories. Spend Father’s Day cooking and enjoying your dad’s favorite meal. Whether it’s a recipe he taught you or a dish he loved to eat, preparing it can evoke a sense of closeness. Share this meal with family and friends, and use the time to share stories about your dad, turning a simple meal into a rich Father’s Day remembrance.

One special memory of mine was sharing my father-in-law’s peanut brittle recipe on my blog. Not only was it one of our favorite posts, but it was also a way to share memories of him doing what he loved to do with everyone.

Visit His Favorite Place

If there was a special place your father loved—whether it was a park, a fishing spot, or even a cozy corner of the house—spend some time there.

Visiting these locations can help you feel his presence and reflect on the times you shared. Bring along a notebook to jot down any thoughts or memories that come to mind, preserving them for future Father’s Day remembrances.

Plant a Tree in His Honor

Planting a tree is a beautiful and lasting tribute to your father. As the tree grows, it symbolizes the enduring impact of your dad’s life.

Choose a spot that was significant to him, or plant it in your own garden where you can watch it thrive over the years. Each Father’s Day, you can visit the tree, decorate it, or simply spend some quiet moments there, reflecting on your father’s memory.

Donate to a Charity He Cared About

Making a donation in your father’s name to a charity or cause he cared deeply about is a meaningful way to honor his legacy.

Whether it’s supporting a local shelter, contributing to medical research, or helping an educational institution, your donation can continue the work he was passionate about. This act of giving can become a yearly Father’s Day remembrance tradition, ensuring his values and interests live on.

Write a Letter to Your Dad

Writing a letter to your father can be a cathartic experience. Pour your heart out, share updates about your life, express your feelings, and let him know how much you miss him.

Even though he won’t be able to read it, writing these thoughts down can provide a sense of connection and peace. You might choose to keep these letters in a special box or journal, creating a personal record of your Father’s Day remembrances over the years.

Light a Candle for Father’s Day Remembrance

Lighting a candle in memory of your dad can be a simple yet powerful act of remembrance. As the candle burns, take a moment to reflect on his life and the impact he had on you.

This quiet time of reflection can be comforting and provide a sense of closeness. You might choose to light the candle at a specific time each Father’s Day, creating a solemn tradition of remembrance.

Share Stories and Laughs

Gather your family and friends and spend Father’s Day sharing stories and memories of your dad.

Laughter can be incredibly healing, and reminiscing about the funny, touching, and memorable moments you had with him can bring a sense of joy. This collective celebration can turn a day of potential sadness into one of happiness and connection, ensuring your father’s memory is honored in a lively and heartfelt way.


Father’s Day remembrance is a poignant and meaningful way to celebrate the life and legacy of your father. Whether through creating a memory scrapbook, cooking his favorite meal, visiting special places, planting a tree, donating to a charity, writing letters, lighting candles, or sharing stories, these acts of remembrance can bring comfort and joy.

By honoring your father’s memory in these ways, you keep his spirit alive and continue to feel his influence in your life. This Father’s Day, take the time to reflect, remember, and celebrate the special bond you shared with your dad.

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About the Author: Patricia Davis Brown

Patricia, like her blog, is not a one-dimensional designer, which is evident in her accolades of 17 national design awards. Over a 38-year career in the industry, she has carved a niche in several areas of design. Licensed in interior design and certified in kitchen and bath design, she offers a full menu of design services ranging from whole house interior design, kitchen and bath design, lighting design, full remodels, commercial design and universal (ADA) design. Patricia is a sought-after speaker in the industry and has been published in many publications as seen on her interior design firm’s website, She writes for such publications as QuinStreetinc, Relaxed Remodeler, and talent offering design tips.