Creative and unique lightroom presets are a great way for photographers to take their photos to the next level. These presets instant add a new look to any photos. However, they are also difficult to make, so many content creators and photographers simply purchase them.

However, if you’re a photographer who designs presets, it’s a lucrative opportunity. But once they are made, you still need to learn how to sell lightroom presets. By monetizing your unique presets, you have the potential to make a healthy bit of side income. This article is going to go over the methods of how photographer’s can monetize the their unique lightroom presets.

Monetizing and Marketing Your Unique Lightroom Presets

Monetizing and Marketing Your Unique Lightroom Presets

1. Sell them through a marketplace.

The first option is to sell your presets through a marketplace. This is generally quite easy, and they will handle a lot of the marketing and website design aspects of it all. Simply create your product, and list it on a platform that already has a following and plenty of users. This can often get your presets in front of more eyes and help you make a name for yourself.

Some of the downsides are that they control the design of your page and store, and their terms or rules can change at any time. Also, many will also take a small fee for all they handle for you, and this commission can potentially eat away at how much you are making.

2. Sell them on your own.

The other choice is to sell your presets on your own. This involves setting up your own site or online store, and making all sales there. This provides you with a lot of freedom over how the site looks and operates. You also get to keep 100% of the money you make in most cases. You will have complete and total control, which is incredibly valuable to many people.

The downside is that you are fully responsible for everything from making the site, to maintaining it and marketing it. Of course, it is also important to be aware of the costs of building and running a website, as well. Between hosting, domain names, and design, a new site can be a costly investment.

3. Develop a marketing strategy.

While having the presets up for sale is good, people aren’t going to flock to them simply because they are available, no matter how nice they are. Instead, you need to market them. Especially if you sell on your own, because then, it’s completely up to you.

A good place to start is social media. With billions of people using it, there is a good chance your potential customers are there. Post links to your presets, as well as show what they can do to different photos. Participate in industry conversations on social media, as well.

Things like developing an email list, or reaching out to potentially interested parties can be another way to get your name out there. Ensure that you use good example photos that show off the difference your presets can make, as well.

Also, be sure to prepare your presets for sale, as well. This involves naming them correctly, choosing the right ones to sell and potentially even bundling a few of them together when selling.

In conclusion.

The tips outlined in this article will be able to help you monetize your presets by selling them to photographers and content creators who want to use them. If you have any questions or suggestions, we always love to hear from you in the comments below. Also below are links that will take you to more fantastic articles about ALL things DESIGN for your home or business.

Images Courtesy of Canva.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards