Mental health is a topic that attracts a wide variety of opinions from people all over the world. Most people focus on extreme mental conditions and ignore those they consider to be mild. Anxiety disorder is one of those mental health areas that does not get the attention it deserves. Does it then mean that you have to live with unrelenting worries, obsessive thoughts, or even panic attacks? The simple answer is no. You can lead a normal life when you make several changes to your lifestyle and know where to get help. Anxiety comes in different forms, a few of which are listed below:

  • Panic disorder. Do you experience terror attacks that strike at random? You might have panic disorder. Palpitations, sweating, and chest pains may accompany that panic disorder.
  • Phobias. Some people fear heights, while others always feel uneasy while using the lift. Such fear goes beyond the normal feeling and leads to discomfort. It may take time before you even note that you have such a phobia.
  • Social anxiety disorder. If you always feel overwhelming self-consciousness and worry about everyday social happenings, then you suffer from this disorder. You may always feel as if other people are looking at you or even judging you. It even gets to the point that you never feel uncomfortable when you are in the presence of others.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder. It a situation where you cannot tie your fears to anything specific. The extent of the feelings will vary from time to time.

4 Tips for Getting Mental Health Help for an Anxiety Disorder

As you can see, anxiety comes in different forms. Moreover, you might have one type of anxiety disorder or possibly a few of them. There are also times that you get anxious when you visit a place for the first time. It could also be when you get a new job, meet new people or when you enter the interview room. Let us explore some of the ways you can deal with anxiety disorders in your life

① Check Your Sleep Patterns

Check Your Sleep Patterns for Mental Health

Experts recommend that an adult should get 6-8 hours of sleep a day. However, this may be hard to achieve if you are a person who suffers from anxiety. The good news is that you can get enough sleep with a few changes. Writing down your worries before you head to sleep can free your mind. You also need to create a sleeping pattern that will condition your brain. It is also important that you check on the type of foods that you consume before you sleep. Avoid heavy meals and drinks with caffeine such as coffee before bedtime.

② Stay Active

Stay Active for Good Mental Health

People with anxiety disorders tend to be lonely. You may want to spend time alone worrying about different things in life. Simple exercises such as jogging, dancing or even rope skipping can keep your mind occupied. Ensure that you come up with a routine that you can follow with ease. First, start with the simple routines and then advance as time goes by. Ensure that you set goals to make it easy to stay on track. Also, download some apps or invest in fitness devices that will track your progress and ensure that you are on the right track.

③ Change Your Thought Patterns

Change Your Thought Patterns with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

There are different approaches to deal with anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most well-known approaches that address the thought-process. CBT is effective in tackling panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. CBT bases its argument on the fact that your thoughts will influence the way you feel. It thus means that the external environment does not determine your feelings. It is the perception of a situation and not the situation that determines how you feel. You thus need to identify your negative thoughts, determine how they affect your life, and then replace them with realistic-positive thoughts.

④ Seek Professional Help

Seek Professional Help

Having an anxiety disorder is not something to be ashamed of because looking for help does not indicate weakness. Rather, it is an indication that you accept your situation and want to make your life better. Your chosen mental health expert will analyze your situation and advise on the best approach. Treating anxiety is not something that will happen overnight, but you must be ready to walk the path. Interestingly, some cases may require medication, while others require lifestyle adjustments.

Having anxiety disorders is not a death sentence, as you can turn the situation around. Home remedies are awesome, but they can never replace professional help. It even gets better because most modern insurance packages include coverage for mental health treatment, which was not available in past decades.

If you have any tips for relieving anxiety, please leave your suggestions in the comments below. You will also find other interesting links to all things design.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards