Do you ever wonder how professionals get rid of pests? The secret is to take an integral approach. First, clean the house from top to bottom, block entry points, and then target the pests with the right pest control products. If you need help, reach out to Pest Control Newmarket or another professional near you. If you want to get rid of pests, the following lists tell some steps you can take. In fact, each step ensures that the problem will not persist.

5 Simple Steps To Getting Rid Of Pests

5 Simple Steps To Getting Rid Of Pests

1. Remove sources of food.

Before using any pest control products, you should get rid of as much food as possible. This will encourage the pests to consume the bait while reducing the smell of food in your home. This makes it less susceptible to future infestations.

Start by deep cleaning the kitchen. Clean the oven, clean behind your major appliances, and wipe down the interiors and exteriors of your cabinets. Then, store all your pantry foods in sealed containers.

Vacuum the rest of the house to get rid of crumbs and make sure that you do the dishes every day. Do not leave any food out, especially overnight. This includes pet food, garbage, and bits of food in the sink. Outside, you should pick up fallen fruit and get rid of the bird feeder. Always pick up after your pets.

2. Get rid of clutter.

Once you have limited the pests’ access to food, get rid of as much clutter as you can. Mice and bugs love to hide. Tidying up the house will give you more space to use pest control products and bring the pests out into the light.

Start by moving things off the floor and practicing some cable management. Use a hamper to store dirty clothes and organize your closets. Donate what you don’t need anymore and get rid of things like cardboard boxes and piles of paper. The cleaner the home, the better.

3. Block entry points.

Professionals always recommend that you block entry points when getting rid of pests because this is how you get permanent results. Inspect your home’s exterior and seal off every opening you find. Caulking, epoxy, and thick meshes are excellent for keeping pests out.

First, put weatherstripping on the bottoms of your doors and make sure that your window screens are intact. Cover wall vents with a quarter-inch mesh and stuff weep holes with covers you can find at the hardware store. Then, seal cracks in the foundation with epoxy, and don’t forget to check under the deck. Seal other cracks in the siding and along with the soffits with caulking. Finally, you can block holes surrounding your utility lines with steel wool or expanding foam.

4. Target pests.

Once you have cleaned up the house and blocked entry points, you can begin the extermination process. Locate where the pests are most active and target them there. If you are dealing with rodents, set multiple traps along the backs of kitchen cabinets and along the walls of infested rooms. If using insect sprays, follow the instructions on the product very carefully. Only use what is appropriate for the pest you are dealing with.

5. Monitor activity.

The last step is to monitor the pests’ activity throughout the treatment. This is a very important step that is often overlooked. If you stop treating the pest problem too early, you will have to repeat the entire process again. Be persistent in your treatment and continue to fight the problem, even after you have stopped seeing the signs of an infestation.

Leave baits and traps out for months after the problem seems to have subsided. Insect eggs may be lingering on your property and hatch later. Rodents, like mice, may hide in their nests for a few weeks after they have given birth. Give the treatment time and be patient. The problem will go away soon!

Call a Local Pest Control Company for Help.

Getting rid of pests can be quite a challenge. If you’re not sure what you’re up against, or if the problem is too much to deal with, contact a local pest control company for help. Technicians are trained and experienced professionals who get the job done. It may cost a little to hire them, but most professionals guarantee their work. They can identify the pests on your property and get rid of them quickly. They can also pest-proof your property for you, ensuring that every potential entry point has been accounted for.

In conclusion.

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Images Courtesy of Canva.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards