An average termite colony will consume roughly one foot of 2 x 4 in just six months. That may not sound like a huge amount but imagine sections of supporting wood in your home missing one or two inches of wood. You’ll quickly see how this can be a serious termite problem after just six months.

Factor in that more than one colony can live in your home and they may go undetected for some time, and you have a serious issue. The best cure at this point is to bring the exterminators in and allow them to eradicate the issue. In fact, it is the most effective way to ensure that you destroy the entire colony.

Of course, it helps if you are aware of the early signs of termites as this can help you to eliminate the issue before it becomes a major problem. You should be aware of the following signs and, if you think you have an issue, contact a local, reputable pest control company to have it checked. They can also give you tips to keep the termites out.

If you suspect termites might be lurking around, here are the five signs you must know to rid your home of a termite problem.

How To Detect a Termite Problem In Your Home • The 5 Signs You Must Know

5 Signs You Have The Beginnings Of A Termite Problem

① Discarded wings.

Some termites have wings. These are the ones leaving an existing colony and looking to create a new one. They fly around until they mate and then land to start building a colony. Once they have mated and landed they discard their wings. 

If you notice several discarded wings in your home then it is likely that termites are starting a colony. At this stage, they can be hard to track but it is definitely the best time to eliminate them.

You should note, a lot of discard wings means you could have an existing colony and the termites are simply expanding. Get the experts in to help you assess the issue.  

② Mud tunnels.

Termites eat wood but they need to stay damp. To facilitate this they build mud tunnels from your foundations to the surface outside your home. These tunnels allow them to move around and stay damp. 

If you have mud around your home take a look at it. You’ll see lots of small holes, these are mud tunnels and a sign that the termites are active. You can close a couple and, if the termites are active, they will be open again the next day.

It’s a good idea to have concrete for at least six inches around your home, this prevents the termites from creating the mud tunnels.

③ Sightings.

An obvious sign you have a termite issue is when you see termites in your home. They usually come out at night. If you are sat in the evening in low light you may see them scuttling across the floor. 

If your house is quiet you may also hear them in the walls. 

④ Blistering wood.

As termites eat wood and move through it they will naturally cause the wood to push outward. This swelling may be noticeable as blistering or the paint on the wood may start to flake and bubble.

These are signs things are going on inside the wood that you don’t want, and need to be stopped. 

⑤ Holes in wood.

In general, termite holes start from the other side of the wood, the part that you can’t see. But, they may come straight through and you’ll see small pin-sized holes in your wood. 

As termites eat the wood there may not be any sawdust, just small holes alerting you to their presence.

In conclusion.

If you think you have a termite problem contact the experts, it can be difficult to ensure you have eradicated all of them. That’s what the experts are for and they offer guarantees! If you have any questions or suggestions, we always love to hear from you in the comments below. Also below are links to more fantastic articles about ALL things DESIGN for your home or business.

Images Courtesy of Canva.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards