Creating a stylish home might be daunting for some, but there are some easy things all of us can do to create it.
Stylish Home Design – the Basics

Keeping your home valuable and looking stylish go hand in hand. If you think about it people aren’t going to want to buy a home that has fallen out of style. This is particularly true for younger couples when they look to buy a house. They are eager and anxious to find a place that is the epitome of modern style. But is this difficult to achieve? Actually, no. There are a few simple rules that you can follow that will ensure your home looks stylish and stays valuable. By following these rules, you can make sure that your home sells for a great price in the future. As well as enjoying it while you live there and be proud of your house when friends and family stop by. As we said, these ideas aren’t complex or even expensive. Most of them, you’ll find, might seem like basic common sense. But if that’s true, we can’t help but wonder why so many homeowners forget them completely.
Rule One: Don’t Ignore Repairs
This is one of the most basic ways to make sure that your home looks valuable and stays stylish. If your home falls into a state of disrepair, it’s not going to be a stylish home. It’s immediately going to damage the aesthetic design and cut into the future selling price of the home. Even the smallest damage could significantly alter the value. For instance, you might think that small damages won’t be noticed, but you’d be wrong; they most certainly will be. So, if you have a loose or chipped tile on your roof, you do need to get it replaced or repaired, before you even think about putting it on the market.
Some repairs, you will be able to complete yourself. For instance, most of us know how to secure a peg back onto a fence. But, others are just a little too complex for us to handle. Instead, we need to call in the experts or learn how to fix it. Take the garage door for example. Immediately, you should be able to see the problem. They’re massive and trying to fix them by yourself could result in injury. Instead, you can learn about repairing a garage door online to determine if it is a DIY project or not, you simply need to do your research.
Rule Two: Don’t Follow Passing Trends
There have been homeowners in the past who have spent a fortune changing their house to be a stylish home. They were following an idea that clearly wasn’t going to stick around. Either it was impractical or simply too bold. An example of this is Chalkboard paint. It seemed fun at first and quite stylish. Now, it just looks a tad silly. Let’s face it, if you don’t have great handwriting it’s going to look messy as well. Then there’s the problem of smudging. All in all, you’ve got a home design idea that wasn’t built to last. So, if you’re thinking about buying chalkboard paint, don’t bother. It won’t be appearing in decor magazines next year, we guarantee it. A stylish home should be on trend so you definitely want to do your research to know what’s in and what’s not.
On the other hand, you do need to recognize when a trend is going to take hold and not let go. We don’t see laminate flooring going out of style anytime soon. So, if you are thinking about completing a room renovation this year, that might be the right choice. It’s stunning stylish with a modern feel that buyers simply can not resist. It’s not too expensive as well. That will certainly be a plus if you’ve just spent a fortune buying your home.
Rule Three: A Home Should Be A Showroom
There’s no denying the fact that a home which looks like a showroom is going to sell before the one that looks like a wacky warehouse. That means that you shouldn’t let your children leave their toys and games all over the floor. A simple way to solve this problem is to buy containers for kids belongings. That way, you can get them into the habit of keeping their toys neat and tidy.
A home that looks like a showroom will naturally look more stylish. There will be a greater amount of space that you can use conceptually. Not to mention rooms that look both clear and contemporary. If you want your house to feel like a home, then by all means, allow a little mess. But if you want it to be seen as the epitome of modern style, everything needs to be minimalistic. Don’t let rooms be packed full of furniture and useless clutter.
Rule Four: Tech Should Be Unobtrusive
Another easy rule to follow is something to consider when you’re buying tech. Buying tech is a great way to make your home look modern as well as being a great place to live. But it’s important to remember that your tech shouldn’t stand out. An example of this is a surround sound speaker system. Yes, it will make your home a better place to live with cinema quality sound. But you don’t want eyes drawn to those speakers as they enter the room. They should be cleverly concealed to create that stylish home feel. Or, they should look like parts of the furniture. This isn’t the only piece of tech where this is an issue. Any technology should be a part of the room, not the centerpiece of it.
Rule Five: Updating Your Furniture
Finally, all items eventually end up going out of style. Take your phone as an example. If you’re still using an iPhone 6 in five years, you’re going to be one of the only people. The same can be true for home furniture. Furniture trends change all the time, and if you want your home to look stylish, you need to keep on top of these changes. Don’t forget this will also help your home look and be more valuable. With a modern design, more buyers will be interested in paying a higher price.
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