The cleaning industry has grown exponentially over the past few years, according to market stats and trends. Aside from stocking up on the best products, you must have a well-designed website to be competitive in this field. But, what are some things you can do to actually get your cleaning business website seen by new clients?

The following are a few easy design and marketing tips to help improve the effectiveness of your website.

How to Powerfully Promote Your Cleaning Business Website

Cleaning Business Online Marketing

Display Your Contact Information

Internet users won’t search for your contact information if it’s buried in some corner of your website. Instead, display your business information with your email address and phone number on your homepage in an easy-to-find place.

Additionally, it’s best to have a separate page for the contact information so that people know the address of your business and your hours of operation. These simple touches not only make it easy for clients to contact you but they also establish you as a legitimate cleaning business.

Have a Strong “Call to Action”

Your call to action directs your potential customers to what you want them do next. Creating a good “call to action” involves knowing what you want from your customers. For instance, are you offering your clientele a free quote? Do you want them to contact you about what specific cleaning services you offer? Decide what their next step should be and gently guide them to the page you want them to visit.

One way to highlight your “call to action” is by putting it right at the top of your page. You can make it stand out with design elements, making the colors bright or by using an attention-grabbing font to make it distinct from the rest of the content on your page.

Use Logos, Images and Videos

Make your cleaning company stand out from the competition by ensuring that making your brand look professional. First design a logo that you’ll be proud to display on every page.

Cleaning Business Logo

Next, simply stating how you’re better than others in the cleaning industry isn’t a good way for a visitor to determine that you’re the best choice. Instead, install images and videos on your website design to take your site to the next level. However, be sure to use images that are of high resolution and are well shot. Anything of lesser quality does more harm than good.

Using videos in your website design helps demonstrate how you and your team operate in a step-by-step presentation. Both photos and videos have the power you may need to give your business more appeal and credibility.

Use Only Quality Content

The driving force behind appealing not only to your target audience but also to search engine algorithms is high-quality content. Creating quality content is as easy as identifying who your target audience is and then picking out specific keywords related to your business and including it in your page’s copy.

Each page on your website must focus on one of your primary keywords. The best way to incorporate these words is by placing them in headlines and within the first paragraph of your copy. To increase search relevancy, include links to other sites similar to yours.

Include your keywords in the metadata of your site, including tags, titles, and descriptions. Be careful not to overuse the unique keywords you have, or search engines may flag your website.

Cleaning Business People Viewing Website

The Bottom Line

A website is a powerful tool to have for a small business like a cleaning service. However, it’s only as successful as the effort you put into it. With these tips and some genuine quality behind your services, you’ll be ahead of the competition in no time.

All Images Courtesy of Canva.

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About the Author: Ashley Edwards