If you are relocating your office to California, business relocation decisions take careful consideration. Many people consider such moves as detrimental to companies since they interrupt their regular business cycles.

However, sometimes office relocation is required for several reasons. For example, you might expand your business, move your offices closer to your clients, give your brand a new facelift, cut costs, etc.



No matter your reasons for moving on, the relocation is a stressful process, and in the chaos of trying to do everything right, many business owners do several things wrong.

As experienced office movers, proudly serving businesses in California for several years, we know firsthand what it takes to relocate your office. So here is a list of common mistakes to avoid:

1. Inadequate Planning

Poor planning can turn your move into a logistical nightmare. Take some time to carefully plan your move. Search around for the best office relocation company, and make sure you read some testimonials before doing business with them. Involve your employees in the process and make sure that everybody is assigned a role and knows precisely what to do and when.

2. Doing A DIY

Ah! The DIY pitfall. Be careful not to fall into the trap of trying to DIY your office relocation. It will be a disaster. You might think that you are saving money, but you end up spending so much more on truck hire, workers to load and unload the truck, and so on. Not to mention the risk you run of destroying your furniture and even worse your electronic systems, computers and so on.

3. Setting An Unrealistic Budget

Office relocation does not come cheap. So make sure that you ask around before you decide on the move. Do not simply assume that the move will cost X dollars and make a budget for that. Instead, do thorough research and find out exactly how much to expect your business relocation to cost and plan your budget around that.

4. Failing To Consult With Your IT Department

One of the trickiest parts of business relocations is disconnecting and reconnecting your office technology. Unfortunately, many business owners dismiss the importance of their IT Department and simply assume that plugging your electronics out of the old office and into the new one should do the trick.

However, nothing could be further from the truth, and no other mistake could cost you so much as this one. So make sure that you consult with your IT department and make all the necessary adjustments to ensure that they prepare your new office to host your technology.

5. Failing To Involve Your Employees In The Decision Making

As the business owner, you call the shots, but that does not mean you should keep everybody out of the loop. You should inform your employees well before the imminent business relocation and lend a sympathetic ear to their concerns and their worries. Employees who have been working for several years in your office may feel they are being uprooted, and the relocation may stress them and upset them emotionally.

Also, make sure that you listen to your employees’ suggestions. For example, they might have a great idea to share that will transition run smoothly. Or perhaps they have a better way of re-creating the new office space, which will be more practical in running the business and doing their jobs.

When you cannot involve your employees in the decision-making, they will feel unappreciated and undervalued. The worse thing you can do is not communicate with employee on business relocation decisions. Instead, choosing to include them will make them feel that their opinions and that their emotions matter. This will encourage them to embrace the move in a more positive, and perhaps enthusiastic, manner.

6. Failing To Inspect Your New Place For Upgrade Needs

Before you relocate to your new offices, inspect the space and check if you need any upgrades. Are there any improvements that need to be made to render your new space suitable for work? For example, do you need to partition a room? Do you need extra electricity plugs? How about your restrooms? Do you have one suitable for people in wheelchairs? All these are upgrades that must be taken care of before your move; otherwise, you will spend your first days, and weeks even, at your new workplace being unproductive and having workers, electricians, plumbers, etc., going in and out.

Be Wiser

Be wiser and plan and take extra care to avoid these six common mistakes when relocating in California. If you are already in California and planning an interstate move, read these tips in this article here.

Business relocations do not have to be a daunting experience as long as you tactically prepare for it. Now that you know the 6 most common mistakes, you are better prepared to make the big move.

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About the Author: McKenna Tucker