It is crucial to have a good onboarding program for your new hires. Without it, you can’t ensure high engagement and a good retention rate. But, what are the common onboarding challenges and how do you resolve them? This is a crucial piece of the puzzle for every company that hires new employees.
While employees see this as an opportunity to learn relevant skills that aid their work, the process is often disappointing. However, ensuring employees have a productive onboarding experience benefits everyone. In fact, this is true for all new employees.
If you understand the obstacles that create issues in the process, you can prevent them. In so doing, you also ensure that employees get the most out of their onboarding.
If this is something that interests you, we invite you to continue reading to learn about the common onboarding challenges and the best ways to resolve them.
How to Resolve the Common Onboarding Challenges for Your Employees
⎆ Complicated Training Platform
When a new person joins the company, they are already nervous since they are in a new workplace with an unfamiliar culture. If you provide them with digital training through a platform with lots of complications, it quickly gets overwhelming.
To prevent this, make sure you choose a user-friendly training platform like Coassemble. Amazingly, Coassemble is easy to use and provides navigation aids to help the learner quickly find what they need. It also ensures less stress while using the platform.
⎆ Generic Content Confusion
Onboarding programs are usually collective training topics that have no personalization for specific roles. Unfortunately, this might reduce employee engagement as the content is not relevant to their work. For instance, training a software developer for management techniques is confusing.
L&D professionals must ensure the training content is tailored for employees from different departments. So, you must keep the onboarding process concise without unnecessary information. Discover how the best LMS for RTOs can simplify onboarding processes and overcome these hurdles effectively.
⎆ Ambiguity about Roles & Responsibilities
More often than not, new hires leave with confusion about their roles and their responsibilities. That’s because the training they receive is too generic and fails to help them understand what the expectations are for their position.
When an employee is struggling, an employer must address their concerns and help them understand. After all, it is the responsibility of HR to discuss with employees how to do their jobs effectively and boost their careers.
⎆ Too Much Information in Too Little Time
Too often onboarding processes thrust oceans of new information on a new hire within a short time frame. However, this method is highly inconvenient and somewhat impossible.
Therefore, you must avoid structuring your onboarding program in a way that causes more distress than enlightenment. To do this, take feedback from the new hires at the end of the program. This will help you to thoroughly understand your onboarding. Then, you can keep making changes until you find the perfect duration.
⎆ Lack of Coordination Between Departments
Departments need to work together to ensure new hires receive all the necessary skills and credentials to become a part of the organization. This includes the HR department, IT department, finance department, and others. Unfortunately, a lack of coordination often severely disrupts the onboarding experience.
The HR department must ensure that there is little confusion for employees that comes from miscommunication between various departments. It is also a good idea to assign a Point Of Contact (POC) for every batch of new hires to ease the process.
Onboarding programs are for helping employees transition into their work profiles smoothly. However, it’s not uncommon for misunderstandings to happen during the process. But you can prevent this by implementing the correct onboarding strategies.
Make sure you show support for employees migrating from different locations as they are dealing with an extra set of issues by moving to an unfamiliar city.
If you have any further suggestions or questions, please let us know in the comments below. Also below, you will find several references to other articles about ALL things DESIGN for your home or business.
Images Courtesy of Canva.
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