Getting home inspections before you buy is the a very important part of everyone’s home buying process. After a long search, you’ve finally found the house that you want to make yours. You’re so excited that you want to close the deal right now. But you must resist. Why? Because, though that home looks great on the surface, it could have something sinister bubbling underneath.
This is why it’s important for you to subject the house to an inspection. Need some convincing? Then read on to learn the five important points of a home inspection.
The 5 Important Points of Home Inspections

1. Plumbing Systems
You don’t want to move into a home with a dysfunctional plumbing system. Unfortunately, over the years, pipes and other water-based appliances can take on substantial damage, rendering them useless or deteriorated. This could necessitate expensive repairs and replacements in the near future.
While your home viewing sessions will give you an opportunity to inspect the superficial portions of the plumbing system, it won’t allow you to get a detailed look. As such, the system could have substantial disrepair that you’re completely unaware of.
Want to catch this disrepair before the purchase? Professional home inspections are key. A professional inspector will identify trouble spots in the system and inform you of the types of repairs that might be needed in the coming years.
After you learn of these things, you can decide either to pass on the house or to plan for necessary repairs. You might even use the prognosis as leverage to get a better deal.
2. Electrical Systems
Not only might the home’s plumbing system be shot, but its electrical system could be old as well. This is particularly true if the home itself is aging, as electrical standards have changed a lot in the past few decades.
Unfortunately, there’s really no chance to inspect the electrical system during the home viewing. You might be able to check out the outlets and the circuit breaker, but you won’t be able to inspect the wiring within the walls and the ceilings.
This is where a professional inspection comes in. A professional inspector assesses every aspect of the electrical system, ensuring that it’s still functional and that it is up to code.
3. Faulty Foundation
Another reason for getting your home inspected is to determine the state of the home’s foundation. Though it may look like it’s in good shape, it might be on the verge of falling in on itself. In other words, there could be more than meets the naked eye.
A professional inspector will test the foundation at different points to ensure that it’s still stable and sturdy. He or she will assess foundation cracks as well, determining whether they pose a threat or not.
Depending on the level of damage done to the foundation, you could have some hefty repairs on the horizon. This could completely change your attitude toward the house as a whole.
4. Water Damage
Home’s are regularly subjected to rain and snow. And if they’re not properly protected, they could be faltering at the hands of this rain and snow. In other words, water damage could be causing various parts of the home to deteriorate prematurely.
See, a good deal of water damage happens behind walls and ceilings. The water seeps through the roof or the siding and comes into contact with the home’s structural components, causing them to warp and misshape. If this is the case, the home could be in very poor condition and could require extremely expensive repairs.
A professional inspector will identify any water damage and will determine whether the house is, indeed, a good investment. You can decide from there whether it’s a safe or smart buy.
5. The HVAC System
Odds are, the home you’re considering contains an HVAC system. It might even be part of the reason that you’re wanting the home in the first place. But, you must be careful; that HVAC system could be on its last leg.
Whereas air conditioners tend to last for around 15 years, furnaces tend to last for around 25. But, in truth, their duration is highly dependent on their usage as well as the amount of wear and tear they’ve occurred.
As such, it’s important to have them inspected by a professional. He or she will identify trouble spots within the HVAC system and will give you an estimate as to how long they have left.
Remember: a new HVAC system can cost over $10,000. That’s a lot of money to tack on to a new home purchase. So, the new the HVAC system is, the better deal you’ll get.
6. The Siding and Roofing
The roofing of the house may look like it’s still going strong. The siding might seem passable. But, in reality, both could be failing to protect the home properly.
As such, it’s vital to have all of the home’s exterior elements inspected by a professional. Even if these elements are not at the end of their rope currently, they could be within a few years. And the sooner you need to replace them, the more financially burdensome the situation will be.
You want to be sure of what you’re up against so that you can make the best decision possible. An inspector will help you to do so.
Getting a Home Inspection Before You Buy
Buying a house without first having it inspected is about the biggest gamble anyone can take. Failure to inspect a prospective home might cost you tens of thousands of dollars. So, please get home inspections to ensure your investment.
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